($code) - $name
Faculty : $faculty Year : $academic Lecturer :$lecturer

"; echo "
"; } // ------------------------------Editing Lab Assignment by Lecture------------------------------------ if($_GET['act']=="edit"){ $getid = $_GET["cid"]; $result1 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from lab_reports_table WHERE Lab_Report_ID = '$getid'"); while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1)) { $Deadline=$row1['Deadline']; $_SESSION['Date'] = strstr($Deadline, ' ', true); $_SESSION['Time'] = strstr($Deadline, ' '); $_SESSION['Instructions']=$row1['Instructions']; $_SESSION['Title']=$row1['Title']; $_SESSION['Marks']=$row1['Marks']; } if(isset($_POST['frm_uploadlab'])){ $deadlinedate=$_POST["deadlinedate"]; $deadlinetime=$_POST["deadlinetime"]; $instructions=$_POST["instructions"]; $title=$_POST["title"]; $marks=$_POST["marks"]; $Deadline = $deadlinedate." ".$deadlinetime; $date= date("Y-m-d H:i"); $sql = "UPDATE `lab_reports_table` SET `Deadline` = ('" . $Deadline . "'), `Instructions` = ('" . $instructions . "'), `Title` = ('" . $title . "'), `Marks` = ('" . $marks . "') WHERE `lab_reports_table`.`Lab_Report_ID` = '$getid'"; if ($con->query($sql) === TRUE) { $_SESSION["info_Updated"]="Information Updated Successfull"; } else { echo "Error: " . $sql . "
" . $con->error; } } if( $_SESSION['user_type']=="Lecturer"){ $Date=$_SESSION['Date']; $Time=$_SESSION['Time']; $Instructions=$_SESSION['Instructions']; $Title=$_SESSION['Title']; $Marks=$_SESSION['Marks']; echo "

Editing Lab Assignment

"; ?>
Dealine Date/Time
Title "> Instructions Marks "> Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4
Submission Type Invidual Group

Post new Lab Assignment

Dealine Date/Time
Title Instructions Marks Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4
Submission Type Invidual Group

"; echo "

Lab Report Assignment list

"; error_reporting(0); if(isset($_SESSION["info_Updated"])){ echo '
'; $_SESSION['info_Updated'] = null; } if (isset($_SESSION['info_courses'])) { echo '
'; $_SESSION['info_courses'] = null; } if (isset($_SESSION['info_courses'])) { echo '
'; $_SESSION['info_courses']=null; } $result = mysqli_query($con," SELECT `Lab_Report_ID`,Type,Marks, `Course_ID`, `Posted_Date`, `Deadline`, `Instructions`, `Title`, `Attachment_link_1`, `Attachment_link_2`, `Attachment_link_3`, " . "`Attachment_link_4` FROM `lab_reports_table` WHERE Course_ID=$id ORDER by Lab_Report_ID DESC"); if( $_SESSION['user_type']=="TA") { echo "* Only Lecturers can Post new Lab report Assignments
"; } if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==0) { echo "No assignments posted so far."; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $marks=$row['Marks']; $title=$row['Title']; $ins=$row['Instructions']; $posted=$row['Posted_Date']; $deadline=$row['Deadline']; $att1=$row['Attachment_link_1']; $att2=$row['Attachment_link_2']; $att3=$row['Attachment_link_3']; $att4=$row['Attachment_link_4']; $id=$row['Lab_Report_ID']; $cours_id=$row['Course_ID']; $as_type=$row['Type']; $full_link="$att1"; if($att2!=""){ $full_link= $full_link."  |  $att2"; } if($att3!=""){ $full_link= $full_link."  |  $att3"; } if($att4!=""){ $full_link= $full_link."   |   $att4"; } $resultx1 = mysqli_query($con,"Select Count(*) as cnt from lab_report_submissions where lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID=$id"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultx1)) {$count_subs=$row['cnt'];} $resultx2 = mysqli_query($con,"Select COUNT(*) as cnt from lab_report_submissions where lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID=$id and Marks is not null"); if(mysqli_num_rows($resultx2)==0){$count_marked=0;} else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultx2)) {$count_marked =$row['cnt'];}} $header="Courses > ".$name."($code) > Assignments > ".$title; echo "
$title ($as_type)
Posted : $posted Deadline : $deadline   ($marks Marks)           " . "
" . "    $count_subs Submissions ( $count_marked Marked )       Edit   |   View    |   Extend Deadline
Attachments : $full_link
" . "  
"; }} echo "
"; $resultx1 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT course_students_table.Student_ID,users_table.Full_Name FROM `course_students_table` INNER JOIN users_table on users_table.Student_ID=course_students_table.Student_ID WHERE Course_ID=$course_id"); echo ""; return; } ?> "; $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Course_ID`, `Course_Name`, `Academic_Year`, `Faculty`, " . "`Lecturer_User_ID`, `TA_User_ID`, `Course_Code`, `URL`, `Verify_New_Members` , users_table.Full_Name FROM `courses_table` INNER JOIN users_table ON users_table.User_ID=courses_table.Lecturer_User_ID where courses_table.Lecturer_User_ID=$user_d"); if($_SESSION['user_type']=="TA") { $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT course_ta.Course_ID, `Course_Name`, `Academic_Year`, `Faculty`, `Lecturer_User_ID`, `TA_User_ID`, `Course_Code`, `URL`, `Verify_New_Members` FROM `courses_table` INNER JOIN course_ta ON course_ta.Course_ID=courses_table.Course_ID where course_ta.TA=$user_d"); } // $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Course_ID`, `Course_Name`, `Academic_Year`, `Faculty`, `Lecturer_User_ID`, `TA_User_ID`, `Course_Code`, `URL`, `Verify_New_Members` , users_table.Full_Name FROM `courses_table` INNER JOIN users_table ON users_table.User_ID=courses_table.Lecturer_User_ID"); if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==0) {} else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id=$row['Course_ID']; $name=$row['Course_Name']; $code=$row['Course_Code']; $faculty=$row['Faculty']; $lecturer=$row['Full_Name']; $academic=$row['Academic_Year']; $url=$row['URL']; $resultTA = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Course_ID`, `TA`,users_table.Full_Name as TA_NAME FROM `course_ta` INNER JOIN users_table on users_table.User_ID=course_ta.TA where course_ta.Course_ID=$id"); $ta=""; while($rowTA = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultTA)) { $ta=$ta." - ".$rowTA['TA_NAME']; } echo"
($code) - $name
Faculty : $faculty        Year : $academic        Lecturer :$lecturer        TA:$ta
"; }}?>

Course Joining Requests No Course joining request so far for all your courses
"; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id=$row['ID']; $name=$row['Course_Name']; $code=$row['Course_Code']; $faculty=$row['Faculty']; $std_name=$row['Full_Name']; $academic=$row['Academic_Year']; echo "
$std_name is Requesting to join
[($code) - $name ]     
Accept    Decline
"; } } ?> Only Lecturers can Post new Lab report Assignments"; } if( $_SESSION['user_type']=="Lecturer"){ ?> Create new Course Portal
Course Name Course Code URL (Leave blank to use Course Code & Year) Academic Year Faculty
Verify Joining Students Yes No

Course Portal > Students
' . $_SESSION['info_Courses_student'] . ''; $_SESSION['info_Courses_student'] = null; } ?>

Search Results for Code : $search
"; $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Course_ID`, `Course_Name`, `Academic_Year`, `Faculty`," . " `Lecturer_User_ID`, `TA_User_ID`, `Course_Code`, `URL`, `Verify_New_Members` " . " , users_table.Full_Name FROM `courses_table` INNER JOIN users_table" . " ON users_table.User_ID=courses_table.Lecturer_User_ID where Course_Code='$search' and courses_table.Course_ID not in (select course_id from course_students_table where Student_ID=$student_id)"); } else { echo "

Find Courses under faculty $faculty

"; $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Course_ID`, `Course_Name`, `Academic_Year`, `Faculty`, `Lecturer_User_ID`, `TA_User_ID`, `Course_Code`, `URL`, `Verify_New_Members` , users_table.Full_Name FROM `courses_table` INNER JOIN users_table ON users_table.User_ID=courses_table.Lecturer_User_ID where Faculty='$faculty' and courses_table.Course_ID not in (select course_id from course_students_table where Student_ID=$student_id)"); } if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==0) { echo "No results found for your Search
"; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $name=$row['Course_Name']; $code=$row['Course_Code']; $faculty=$row['Faculty']; $lecturer=$row['Full_Name']; $academic=$row['Academic_Year']; $url=$row['URL']; $id=$row['Course_ID']; $v=$row['Verify_New_Members']; $msg2="Join this Course"; if($v>0) { $msg=" Lecturer Verification required"; $msg2="Send Joining Request"; } echo "
($code) - $name
Faculty : $faculty Year : $academic Lecturer :$lecturer
"; } } } echo "

My Courses

"; $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT users_table.Full_Name, course_students_table.Status, courses_table.Course_ID, `Course_Name`, `Academic_Year`, `Faculty`, `Lecturer_User_ID`, `TA_User_ID`, `Course_Code`, `URL`, `Verify_New_Members` FROM `courses_table` INNER JOIN users_table ON users_table.User_ID=courses_table.Lecturer_User_ID INNER JOIN course_students_table on course_students_table.Course_ID=courses_table.Course_ID where course_students_table.Student_ID=$student_id"); if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==0) { echo " You are not Enrolled in any Course"; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $name=$row['Course_Name']; $code=$row['Course_Code']; $faculty=$row['Faculty']; $lecturer=$row['Full_Name']; $academic=$row['Academic_Year']; $url=$row['URL']; $id=$row['Course_ID']; $Status=$row['Status']; if($Status=="Joined") { echo "
($code) - $name
($url)     $Status     
Faculty : $faculty Year : $academic Lecturer :$lecturer
"; } else { echo "
($code) - $name $Status
Faculty : $faculty Year : $academic Lecturer :$lecturer
"; } } } echo "
Find course by Code
List courses by faculty

"; } ?>